Tuesday 22 July 2008

update from LC Uni of Oslo

Update from LC University of Oslo

Hi there fellow beavers. It strikes me, I have'nt really
given any updates yet... so where to start.
well, its allways nice with a conference, so I'll start
with that. At our last national conference our LC
took home the prize best developing LC, which
was quiet cool:) so that's where we are now.
I have taken over after the previous LCP, which
did a great job, so through the next term is
further growth and expantion in focus. I probably
represent the smallest LC in this group, current state
is 13 members, so our further focus through this
term is to buils a solid fundament at the university
of oslo.we're in wacation mode here right now, that is not to much going on, but we will be receiving interns during summer, 2 allready arrived, 3 more to come.we have quiet ambitious goals on exchange this term,so we'll have quiet a chalenge there. and in Marchwe will arrange our third national conference forthe term, called Unite. As an LC we are taking onbigger tasksand more responsibility nationally,which I hope will drive us in the right direction.
we'll also start working on a revenue generation plan, cause we need more, new and stable sources for income, so if any of you have ideas or experiences:)

regarding our common project, I'm getting more motivated to establish closer LC to LC cooperation with you guys. I think it could be areally cool thing:) I hope I'll be able to make the
next skype meeting:)

at the end I'll just finish of with a photo of my all so known sailing boat:)

Wednesday 25 June 2008

June updates from LC Munich

Since the last Update in April so much has happened!
First we had an extremely good Aiesec promotion time so we have 36 highly motivated Newies now!! So now with in complete 72 aktive Aiesecers in Munich we are running a lot of Projects and you can be shure to read a lot of cool stuff about them soon ;-)

And then we also had some Great Conferences. First our Newie conference IMAS, our LC WEEKEND and of course the Bavarian regional conference BERMUDAS with the great party theme poser and prole!

Thursday 19 June 2008

Planning phase

Dear friends,
We are past beginnings :) or so I assume. After a super busy period of exams, transition, travels etc I would like to believe we're all ready to plan and set goals, to abide to our own set deadlines (will come up) and to keep an EYE on eachother through this blog ;D

Since I won't be in Denmark too much until January/February 2009, I will update you on my learnings - AIESEC related and others.

I propose we have a skype conference in the first week of July.

April updates from LC Bilbao


- We got our PBOX conferences next week and have all our energy focused in the success of it.
- We have 7 newbies.

- We’re preparing for assist to our National Planning meeting in 2 weeks in Galicia (near of Portugal), wonderful landscapes, beaches, and a lot of WORK.
- We have recruited 12 EP’s and they’re ready for going on Exchange (MT and DT).

- We’re preparing some sort of magazine for distribute to our stake holders.
- We’ve open the Beavers corner in the office, with this updates and the WENA photos.

Fortius 2008 - 60 years of AIESEC in Denmark

AIESEC Denmark’s 60th Anniversary took place at Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads, and at a beautiful location in Copenhagen, where there was a gala dinner, award show and a big party.

The theme for the celebration was climate change. There was a Climate Change Summit, initiated with a panel debate, with well-known individuals from the Danish business world, professors, NGOs, the Ministry and entrepreneurs. After this, there were working groups to put forward concrete solutions to how we can contribute towards creating a more sustainable world. The solutions were compiled in order to be presented to the Ministry of Climate and Energy for the forthcoming UN Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen 2009.

A wonderful part of the summit was the opportunity to go back in time and experience AIESEC’s history through the stories from the very individuals who helped shape AIESEC: the founder of AIESEC Denmark.

LC CBS after the wonderful Gala Dinner/Scandic Copenhagen; during the 60 years Anniversary Celebration Day at Fortius National Conference, Denmark.

AIESEC CBS at Fortius 2008 Global Village

---> South Africa!!!!! in Denmark

more info on aiesec Denmark wiki