Tuesday, 22 July 2008

update from LC Uni of Oslo

Update from LC University of Oslo

Hi there fellow beavers. It strikes me, I have'nt really
given any updates yet... so where to start.
well, its allways nice with a conference, so I'll start
with that. At our last national conference our LC
took home the prize best developing LC, which
was quiet cool:) so that's where we are now.
I have taken over after the previous LCP, which
did a great job, so through the next term is
further growth and expantion in focus. I probably
represent the smallest LC in this group, current state
is 13 members, so our further focus through this
term is to buils a solid fundament at the university
of oslo.we're in wacation mode here right now, that is not to much going on, but we will be receiving interns during summer, 2 allready arrived, 3 more to come.we have quiet ambitious goals on exchange this term,so we'll have quiet a chalenge there. and in Marchwe will arrange our third national conference forthe term, called Unite. As an LC we are taking onbigger tasksand more responsibility nationally,which I hope will drive us in the right direction.
we'll also start working on a revenue generation plan, cause we need more, new and stable sources for income, so if any of you have ideas or experiences:)

regarding our common project, I'm getting more motivated to establish closer LC to LC cooperation with you guys. I think it could be areally cool thing:) I hope I'll be able to make the
next skype meeting:)

at the end I'll just finish of with a photo of my all so known sailing boat:)


Gabby said...

Thanks Espen for updating! :)
Good luck in the new term and congrats for the prize!!!

Espen Huser said...

there will be more... my conection broke down, so the post is a bit weird\unfinished:)